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How Integrative Healing Helps
REFLEXES and HABITS are performed without conscious thought. The Feldenkrais Method®, MNRI® and Nondual Healing create possibilities for new habits so that people can function more easily, efficiently, and with joy.

Feldenkrais Method®


Our habits, which are formed through life experiences, can either help us or hinder us. Unless we understand what our habits are, we are unable to change them.  The Feldenkrais Method® teaches individuals to become more self-aware, notice unhealthy and unnecessary movement patterns (habits)  and learn more comfortable and efficient ways to move or act.


Skeletal dialogue and the Feldenkrais Method®

Through guided awareness and gentle skeletal movements, the Feldenkrais Method® creates unity in the body by creating new neural pathways.  With more even distribution of skeletal movements, the individual learns to transmit force and generate powerful movements with less muscular effort and less wear and tear on all connective tissues. Awareness of existing movement habits, coupled with new kinesthetic experiences, generate new possibilities for feeling, thought and action.

Who was Moshe Feldenkrais?
Israeli scientist Moshe Feldenkrais DSc  (1904-1984) was a nuclear physicist and engineer, and first European to earn a black belt in judo. Dr. Feldenkrais  began exploring movement patterns and observed how people form movement habits. He mastered the sciences of anatomy, kinesiology, and physiology, and combined these with his knowledge of physics, engineering, and judo. His life’s work was to help others improve their functional abilities and to move through life with grace and dignity.

MNRI® - (Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration) Method

MNRI's main focus is to help people of all ages reach their optimal readiness for growth and learning through integration of their primary motor reflexes. This method was developed by Dr. Svetlana Masgutova in 1989 and she has helped thousands of children through her hands-on work and research development.

What are Primary Reflexes and why are they important?
Reflexes are Involuntary actions that respond to specific stimuli. They mature at different times of our development and work to regulate our bodies both during normal or traumatic situations. These primary reflexes are meant to be accessed during specific times of stress. As we grow, these primary motor reflexes do not disappear, but integrate. When these reflexes are immature or re-appear after a traumatic event, there may be underlying neurological issues that interfere with the individual’s ability to function and learn. 


Balanced and Integrated Reflexes:

With the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration - MNRI® Method, the individual is given specific physical stimuli coupled with the correct reflexive response to restore their natural development. Once integrated in the brain, individuals move more purposefully without interference.

Nondual Healing
Nondual Healing™ is a combination of exploring both our day to day lives and that which is unknown or transcendent. It integrates the mind, body, and spirit through a combination of Buddhist wisdom, Kabbalah and the Tree of Life, and our relationships with both our personal and impersonal selves. The personal is the known; our tangible life as we feel and see it around us, and the impersonal includes the unknown; beyond what we see and touch. Both include suffering and beauty. Exploring the known with the unknown, allows for a state of oneness with the rest of creation, and the ordinary consciousness with the higher consciousness. This is a transformative healing path toward the intimate relationship with the whole of Reality. 
Nondual Healing helps us be kind to ourselves as we learn to accept even those parts of ourselves that are less desirable or that have been otherwise buried, and to embrace these areas as part of who we are. 
Home programs:

Home programs are often shared with clients, parents and caregivers in order to continue the learning in between sessions. These "exercises" are specific to the person's needs for further growth and development. 

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